" We provide complete management of your underground utilities including private utility locating. We can locate it and we can also manage it so you don't have to. "
Service Is What We Do
We Serve Our Clients &
Our Community
Private Utility Locating
Private Locating is fundamentally different from One-Call Locating. This is mostly because accurate mapping of the underground utilities quite often doesn’t exist. In these scenarios, broad and diverse locating experience and mastery of multiple types of locating equipment and methods matters.
This is OTM’s differentiation and value add. We have vast experience and mastery of multiple types of locating equipment. We provide accurate and cost effective private utility locating services to protect your underground infrastructure from damages. We service gas, electric, water, sewer, sanitary, telephone, cable/TV, fiber optics, etc. within the New York State area. We utilize both Radio Frequency (RF) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technologies.​

811 One-Call Services
One-Call Locating is about well-trained Northeast Gas Association (NGA) Operator Qualified & well-equipped locators, proper staffing and management of staff, and robust processes & systems that translate to high quality, on-time, cost-effective utility locating with minimum to no mismarks or ticket delays! On The Mark (OTM) provides this service to our clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We serve utility companies, primarily in the New York State area.
Our One-Call service includes program management, electronic ticket management, business and after hour dispatching, real-time access to 811 tickets, GIS and/or .pdf maps & utility information, accurate marking using color coded paint & flags, and routine auditing/on-going training of field staff.

Utility Verification
Utility Verification is not simply locating utilities using EM and/or GPR technologies. It is giving a client precise GPS (latitude & longitude) coordinates within +/- .01 meters (or .4 inches) precision along with depth (in meters or feet) readings of a utility of interest. OTM employs state-of-the-art technologies to provide this information.
The captured data can be provided in a multitude of output formats (e.g., .csv, excel, .kmz). We can also go one step further and provide data in CAD or GIS map formats to be incorporated into your existing mapping systems, if required.
We can also provide detailed technical reports of equipment used, specifications of equipment used, techniques employed, high resolution digital photos and videos of verification work and more.​

Our History
OTM was founded in 2011 by four principals each having over 25 years of experience in the gas & utility industry. The company’s competency foundation was in underground utility locating. We specialized in locating Customer Owned & Maintained (COM) underground utilities such as gas, electric, cable/TV, telephone, fiber optics communications, water, sewer/sanitary/ storm, and more.
We located cable & pipes, empty ducts, metal valve boxes, fuel tanks, conduits, and other buried objects using a variety of state-of-the-art Radio Frequency (RF) based equipment and instruments as well as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).
Although private utility locating was our start and foundation, we quickly realized that our opportunities for growth and additional value contribution to the community resided in the utility management services. Hence, since 2013, we have expanded our services to include services such as damage prevention program, cathodic protection, damage prevention vehicles, independent utility auditing, damage investigation, and more.
Year of Establishment
Projects Completed
811 Tickets Completed
Dollars donated to our Community
Our Services
We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs
Below are some of the services we offer. Every year we are adding new services to our
portfolio to meet all your needs.
Some of Our Recent Clients
We believe each client is a long term partnership